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High School First Grade NELP

Here are the latest photos from the high school first grade NELP class.
This was our Christmas photo.
HS1 1-21-15 class2.JPG
Here the students are watching videos during our Christmas lesson.
HS1 1-21-15 christmas1.JPG
HS1 1-21-15 christmas2.JPG
This is our New Year’s class photo
HS1 1-21-15 nyclass1.JPG
This was a lesson on business greetings.
HS1 1-21-15 shake1.JPG
HS1 1-21-15 shake2.JPG
HS1 1-21-15 shake3.JPG
HS1 1-21-15 shake4.JPG
Here, the students are having a discussion about business management and leadership.
HS1 1-21-15 bus disc1.JPG
HS1 1-21-15 bus disc3.JPG
HS1 1-21-15 bus disc2.JPG
HS1 1-21-15 bus disc4.JPG