トピックス Topics

1.主 催:
ノートルダム清心学園 清心中学校・清心女子高等学校
2.後 援:
3.日 時:
小学生部門 9:00~12:00(予定)
中学生部門 13:00~16:00 (予定)
4.場 所:
清心中学校・清心女子高等学校 中講堂
小寺 裕之 kodera@nd-seishin.ac.jp
10. 小学生の部 課題文
Monologue (Recitation for ONE person)
[A] The Most Amazing Dog Ever
I have the most amazing dog. He can paint! Like Picasso! I promise. He holds the brush in his mouth and moves his head to paint. Mostly he paints cats. He can dance too: on his hind legs, with his little front legs in the air. He plays the koto! He can do judo, too, but only dog judo. He rides a bicycle, but it’s a very small bicycle. You want to see it? Sorry. He’s sleeping. ( 77 words )
[B] Make your costume!
This Halloween don’t buy a costume, MAKE a costume. You don’t need a lot of money. You need creativity and some time. First, ask your parents if they have old clothes you can use. Find some paper, cardboard and art supplies. Get some old newspapers, old bowls. Don’t forget to buy some face paint. Then invite a friend to your house and make your costumes together. When you are done, go out trick or treating. I promise your costumes will be the best. ( 83 words )
Dialogue (Recitation for TWO people)
[C] Species of dog
A: Hey, you like dogs, right?
B: Yes, I do. I have two dogs.
A: OK. I have a question for you. How many species of dogs are there?
B: There are so many! Toy poodles, Japanese Shibas, Scottish terriers, bulldogs….
A: So how many species of dogs are there?
B: I think… hmm… about one hundred.
A: One hundred?
B: Yes… one hundred. That’s my final answer. Am I right?
A: No. There is only one species of dog: Canis familiaris!
B: Only one?
A: Just one!
B: I don’t understand. There are big dogs, small dogs, tall dogs, short dogs, brown dogs, white dogs, hairy dogs, not-hairy dogs….
A: Dogs look different, but scientists say there is only one species of dog.
B: Why is that?
A: It’s because dogs can breed with each other. Dogs can have babies with other dogs.
B: I see.
( A: 69 words B: 63 words )
[D] The Monster
A: I just saw a monster in the basement!
B: A monster? You mean like a kappa or something?
A: No! It was tall!
B: You probably saw a coat rack.
A: It wasn’t like that. It was big like a gorilla.
B: Big across the shoulders?
A: No, it was big across the stomach!
B: Maybe it was pregnant! Maybe it’s going to have cute little baby monsters in the basement.
A: It had hair all over its head like a lion!
B: Did it chase you?
A: No, it was just sitting there.
B: On the floor?
A: In a chair, at the desk down there.
B: Did it make any noise?
B: That’s not a monster! That’s our teacher! He always falls asleep grading our papers.
A: Ohhhhhhh.
( A: 58 words B: 61 words )